Depth of Snow

Just an idea of how deep the snow was. They said normally they get 6-8 feet of snow a year and can sometimes continue to snow in June/July. This year they received 20 feet of snow. They will stop the train at 9k feet and give 30% refund if they Continue Reading

Pikes Peak

This is the top!! The structure is a building they built and it holds food court, bathrooms, gift shop, movie room so you can get all the history. Workers are here each day keeping the sidewalk clear so the passengers can walk to the building. At the entrance to this Continue Reading


Taking this while still creeping to the top is a view like no other. We were told in the distance you see Denver on a clear day and on a really clear day you can see Kansas. We were over 14k feet and the view was spectacular. S/J

Cog Railway

This was our two car train we rode to the top of Pikes Peak. COG Railway means a steep mountain railroad that has a rail with cogs engaged by a cogwheel on the train to ensure traction. The middle of this track is the cogs, looks like teeth that will Continue Reading

Train Depot

This is the train depot in Manitou for the trip to Pikes Peak. We opted for the train instead of driving our truck up the mountain. After getting to the top I am so glad we chose that route. It was a beautiful ride and relaxing. We actually rode our Continue Reading