Twins Game

On Fathers Day we went to Minneapolis for a Twins baseball game. It was a nice drive and we parked at a tram station and actually took the tram into the ballpark area which is downtown. It was a nice ride as well and way better than trying to fight Continue Reading

Flooding Waters

This is a view of the Mississippi River, grassy part is where the corn hole was. You have the sidewalk, wall,water, and posts sticking up. Now the water between the posts and wall is actually a road that the waters have risen. This part of the Mississippi is where the Continue Reading

Cornhole Tournament

On Saturday James and Ric played in a tournament in downtown Winona. They had many things going on the weekend. Anyway they did not win but they had a good time competing. Some good throwers out and about!! And as you can see yet another rainy day!! S/J