A Beauty

Coming around the bend on the way to the Rio Grande is this amazing spill of rocks. The white rock looks like cement but of course it is not. Some areas you can see the pinks, greens. One part we were in looked just like Death Valley but desert instead of sand. Amazing how the water shaped all this so many years ago. We passed one area that looked like this and the tops of it all were covered in volcanic rock. We saw no wild life inside big bend except a rat crossing the street. So dry!! I could not imagine taking a canoe or kayak down the Rio Grande. I hope they have more flow to it downstream. Have a great day. Today we finish our journey in Texas and head to San Antonio, The Alamo!! Hopefully I can post from our campground. I have better signal with the Walmart wifi in the parking lot than some places we have paid to stay!!! Thank you Sam Walton!!! S & J

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