Vermont , Stowe

We had a lovely drive yesterday to Vermont. 7 hours James held that wheel with both hands, we thought Pa. roads sucked…..OMG. we drove on some shit, I was still vibrating when we arrived to the campground! We are staying in a small town ,Morrisville, Vermont. Great campground, not completely opened but allowing campers that are fully contained. Great spot on the river flowing through the town and god knows how far it goes. Anyway we got a great night sleep, woke up to 53 outside. Funny we have not had to use the AC in the RV at night to sleep and actually we aren’t around during the day so there you have it.!! We drove over to Stowe today. Glad we have 10 days cause we did not see it all. Passed a beautiful golf course that we will go play and go back to Stowe and check out the rest, also going to the Mountain Ski Resort and check that out.

So this chair was sitting on a porch of a Barber Shop downtown and the entire thing is made out of ski’s. It was quite cool, so any of you that have old ski’s laying around, well here is a grand idea!! I will have some amazing pictures this week I am sure from this green state.

On the way into Vermont we went through another slither of NH (north) and went through the white mountains, saw Mt. Washington, snow on the top of one of the mountains. Incredible views, if only the roads were better!!Also crossed on HWY 2 , two places where the Appalachian Trail crossed. So Linda and Staci if you are reading this blog, did you cover this part of your hike yet?? Tons of cars in the parking lots and saw a few backpackers coming out of a pizzeria. As soon as we saw the sign I thought of you two!!

We will spend many days in Stowe, the wool products, oh my goodness!!

Did you know the von Trapps (singers from sound of music) have a resort here, and a brewery. Gotta go see that.Great story in the magazine I picked up today. Johannes, the big daddy hates Do-Re-Mi. It looks to be a lovely 2500 acre property in Stowe and has a herd of Scottish Highland cattle. They settled in Stowe in 1941. Will keep you posted!!

Off to grill out some veggies and meat. Have a great day and see you soon!!

Be groovy! Thanks to all of you for checking out the blog!! Love, love your comments.

S & J

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One thought on “Vermont , Stowe

  1. I’m so loving reading about your adventures…. but you know the ski chair at the barber shop is my favorite so far-lol
    Keep on enjoying and making memories
    Love you guys!!!

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