Spearfish Falls

Good morning! This is our last morning in Wyoming for now! Yesterday we took one more drive to S.D. to catch a few more places we had on our list. The campground is kind of on the border of S.D. and Wyoming so it was a nice drive back. We took the scenic byway around Spearfish and stopped at 3 waterfalls. Two we had to hike to (this is one) and the other was just a quick view off the road, but we hiked down to cross the water and get a better view. In Spearfish the locals told us a tornado went through about 3 weeks ago. And driving along the byway which is right through Blackhills National Forest you could certainly tell something big happened. There was so much damage, more than I ever saw in NC. This trail was not damaged but the next picture is and they had one entrance shut down but you could tell where they had been working. Spearfish was a lovely town. These two waterfalls were almost at the end of 14A. But at this end they had a big log cabin lodge and restaurant and several camping areas. Tons of off road vehicles with people having a blast.

S & J

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