Air Show

Another demo from a different plane. They had quite the entertainment until the Blue Angels performed. It was a beautiful day in California. We ran into several people we know from our RV Resort, so many got out to enjoy the day. They were suppose to have this in Yuma but they cancelled, something about covid!!!

Anyway today being March 13, Az. does not change clocks. I have two weeks of work left and then James and I will start taking clothes to the camper. We will pull out of here most likely April 4 or 5. Heading to the keys, via……New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana , Mississippi, Alabama, and into the lovely state of Florida. We have a week in the Keys and our old neighbors from NC are flying into the Keys to meet us for the week. It should be super fun time. Dreading the humidity but all will be ok. Then from the keys we head to NC to see family and friends. After that not sure, fuel is going to be outrageous. Will keep you posted for those that still read the blog. The post cards will start flowing again and that is always fun. Have a great day, enjoy the great outdoors. We have some really warm days coming in the next few weeks. Stay safe and healthy!!! S & J

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