Beach On Way Out

This is the beach on the other side of the ferry where we arrived. It was a deserted road, 2 lane, with water on both sides. Very choppy because of the winds, it reminded us of riding on Hwy 12 at the OBX (outer banks), except they have huge sand dunes. Nothing on this Hwy. Many beach houses and I even saw many orange ones!!! That is the color we painted our Park Model in Yuma. Actually we saw an array of beautiful colors and the newer houses were way up in the air, you could tell which ones were the older homes. Not really anything on this island with the exception of beach cottages and RV parks. My mind says more off the grid than the OBX!!

So we got to Hwy 10 and that took us into New Orleans. We were going to stop in Baton Rouge and boon dock but we decided to go all the way to our RV resort, time of day was a big factor. BUT, let me express something…..If you do not like bridges do not come to La. OMG, we were on one that was 18 miles long and the entire bridge was over swamp. You just go from bridge to bridge, some were high and some were low. We did ride past the LSU football stadium. You could see that from the highway. Lots of ports and lots of refinery plants. An interesting ride and it went quite smooth!! So now we are planted here until Monday. We plan to go to the Zurich Golf open on Thursday and watch some live golf. We did not know it was going on when we planned our route so we are getting 2 for 1!!! We plan to go into French Quarter and all that N.O. stuff you do. We were hoping to ride our bikes in to town but that isn’t happening!!! Our park we are staying in, is at a marina so we have many boats around us and a small airport not far so we see many private jets going over us. Should be a fun and entertaining week. Have a great day and watch out for us on TV if you watch the golf!!! Hugs….S & J

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