Bethany Beach Delaware

So we arrived yesterday May 15 and will be here until, who knows. James and Mikelle went to get lumber so James can build her bunk beds in her beach house and I went for a 40 minute bike ride around her lovely hood and then walked up to the coast (45 mins.) round trip to check out the boardwalk and take this picture of the coast. And I wore my mask!!! Really neat boardwalk and a few people out and about but the beach is only open for exercise still at this time. Lots of stores, you know your typical tourist trap on the coast but they have some serious seafood options that we didn’t have on NC beaches. I want to thank any and all of you who have commented on our blog, love to see the activity, we do get them all, and keep them coming. We will learn how to play pickle ball here, court across the street ( don’t even know if I spelled it right) haha….Anyway it looks like a fun game. So far the RV life is going good. Can’t really drive the speed limit, does better under 65 and you aren’t suppose to tow a car over 65, so long days in it if we choose to do that. We were only 214 miles from Bethany when we started yesterday and we drove 6 hours, but that did include stopping for fuel, rv dumping and a picnic in the RV. Nice thing is you do not have to get out to do anything. EVERYONE STAY SAFE!! But I will say, James and I have hit our head on all objects inside the RV, I myself have seen Jesus a few times. This is my way of telling you that I knocked the ever living shit out of my head, thank goodness it isn’t in the back of my head where my tumor was!!

Be groovy!

S & J

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16 thoughts on “Bethany Beach Delaware

  1. Glad that you are there finally! I know that Mikelle is happy to have you.
    There are many cool things to see at the Delaware beaches. Enjoy the seafood…especially
    Maryland crabcakes. I hope that I will get down to see you before you take on the rest of
    the world. I am sending some articles via e-mail that I think you may like but I know that you
    have done mounds of research too. So, just delete if no interest.
    Lucky that you brought the warm weather with you. Is her pool open?
    I hear that pickle ball is so fun.

  2. Sue, ouch! So glad to hear from you, ya’ll made great time!!!!
    Living the dream, girl. Love you!
    Any seashells?
    Susie Q (Reaves)

  3. Glad to hear you made it to Bethany Beach! You are right they have a lot of good seafood up there! Enjoy your time on the boardwalk and playing pickellball!

  4. YAY! You made it to the beach! Enjoy the good food options. Have you thought of getting a helmet to wear in the RV????

  5. Glad y’all made it safely. Y’all are going to have a blast. Can’t wait to travel with you thru your blog although miss the real you. Love y’all! Stay safe

  6. Glad you guys made it ok, go check out Chincoteague if you have time, see the wild horses. All the best and safe travels.

  7. First the cross country trek in camper and now pickle ball… You are truly living my dream. Enjoy Delaware and give up the mask on your beach walks — you’re outside and socially distanced!

  8. I’m so excited for the both of you!!!
    I’m looking forward to seeing all your adventures… love you💜

  9. Hi Susan and James,,,Really enjoyed reading about your trip so far.sounds like you are having a great time and I am happy for you both! Thanks for keeping us informed! Love you, Brenda

  10. We are glad that everything is going well and y’all are enjoying yalls self. We love reading the blog and keeping up to date with you guys! ☺️

  11. Great day for a bike ride! Happy to hear you are doing great ( except for the ole’ noggin bumps) Love hear about your adventure, and seeing the pictures! Stay safe! love you, M

  12. Nice to read your blog and know you are enjoying yourself! Can’t wait to catch up some day! Love you both! Lisa

  13. Thanks for all your updates! So glad you made it! Ditto the food and chincoteague or the Eastern shore. Have fun!!!!

  14. So glad y’all made it safe. Easy on the noggin’s. We don’t want any part of y’alls adventures to include an ER. Loving the pictures. So happy for you both. Enjoy every minute.

  15. Keep the pictures coming. So glad yall are having fun and enjoying everything except hitting your head. Miss you both.

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