Biking In Moab

Moab Utah has many miles of paved bike trails. This one spot follows the Colorado River and is a beautiful ride. This same trail follows I-191 in Moab and goes past Arches National Park and actually we rode to the end as it stops at the road you take to Canyonlands NP and Dead Horse State Park. We did the entire ride the other day. It was only 102 outside but we did have the breeze being on bikes!!! It was all good fun, hope to do it again before we leave Moab. Disconnect and go outside!! S & J

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One thought on “Biking In Moab

  1. Wow, Sue, no wonder people love to go to Moab !!!!

    Stay cool, love you, thanks for all your
    Blog, pictures, cards !!!

    Love, sue reaves

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