Bridge Jumper

After our hike in the woods we got back to RV and got on our bikes. We rode down the road and this bridge is the original bridge going into Glacier. Walking bridge now, it survived the big flood here I think that was in the 60’s, may be wrong. Anyway you go under this bridge if you are kayaking or rafting and when we arrived here on the bikes, must of been 70 people hanging around and jumping off. If I was 40, oh hell yea I would jump, but not now. A little boy jumped off and when he hit that water I thought he was going to freeze to death. He was so cold and started to panic so a Kayaker that had just gone under the bridge was hanging around so he helped him get to the shore. A crazy moment. It was cool to watch these people jump. You can see the bottom of the creek. Must be 20 feet deep at this spot. Lots of people having a really great time. S & J

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