Bringham Falls

This waterfall was a harder hike but we did it!! It is off of Smugglers Notch Hwy. and had quite the crowd. It has many levels of falls then you get to the mack daddy. The pool you see at the bottom is crystal clear, you could see everything on the bottom. Lots of kids swimming and jumping.

We had a wonderful week in Vermont. So far the prettiest state we have been in. So green and vibrant. We get back on the road Monday the 6th and we are heading to Danby Vt. Will stay one night in a golf center parking lot then Tuesday drive to Richfield Springs NY and stay one night at a golf course. Both these places are through the harvest to host club we joined. You can stay for free. But they do like you to buy something. So we will play golf at the golf course in NY and teach kids how to drink beer and eat pizza in the fun center!! On Wednesday we will head to the finger lakes. Finally found a campground in Hammondsport NY. This is near Watkins Glen and close to the finger lakes. We will be out of touch a few days but back at it by Wednesday. We plan to stay there until Sunday, may decide to stay longer, who knows. Anywho, everyone take care and thanks for the comments, etc.

Hugs to all…..stay safe and healthy!!

S & J

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4 thoughts on “Bringham Falls

  1. Wishing you safe travels to your next destination! I’m enjoying the pics and tales of your adventures. AND the postcards! Awesome!

  2. Thanks again for sharing all of your beautiful adventures! It makes me want to get out and go!

  3. I can’t believe that you didn’t jump in that water. Sure looks refreshing and you must have been beat by then. The weather there must be much milder than here in Va.
    Stop teaching those kids bad stuff….you know that pizza is not good for you!!!!

    Safe travels.

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