California Dunes

Heading 8 west into California we came across a very large area of sand dunes. It was a very interesting view and we were struck by the amount of people in side by sides, four wheelers and the large number of RV motorhomes and fifth wheels were pulled out on the side of the road and in an area of parking. First we thought, that is a ton of boondocks, but then realized something must be going on. Then after talking to Carson on the phone he said one of his buddies what at a place like that and it was some kind of huge race. That went all the way into Yuma. Now that made since. It was way cool race or no race just to see the amount of people and their toys out in the desert dunes having a blast.

As we continued to drive west just beyond the big hill of sand beyond the power lines in this picture we saw a continuous border wall. This was on Wednesday we took this day trip. Saw where we need to get off the interstate to park and walk into Mexico.

Have a great Black Friday…..Don’t spend all your money!!

S & J

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