camping at Dixie’s

So we have been here since May 1. We are heading on the road to start our journey on Wed. May 13. Going to Raleigh to say bye to my brother and stay in his area, Thursday we will drive to Castle Glen Winery in Doswell Va. and camp in the parking lot at the Winery. Friday we will head into Delaware and hunker there for 2-3 weeks while James does some construction work for a friend. So until next post, happy trails!!!

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8 thoughts on “camping at Dixie’s

  1. Safe Travels! Enjoy Bethany Beach – it is pretty up there! Looking forward to your posts!
    Love You

  2. Morning Susan,I g
    ave you the wrong email for David..It is: [email protected]. sorry about that…..have a great day and don’t forget to “gas up” for the big beginning tomorrow! love you! Brenda

  3. We will certainly miss you! Until we meet again! Somewhere! Enjoy your travels, and stay safe! Love you, always

  4. I’m so excited for the both of you. A life long dream come true ! I’ll be keeping an eye on ya’ll and hopefully come to visit one day …. where ever you are !

    Much love & Safe travels, Susanna

  5. James, great to see all is going as planned, keep us updated. Good luck my friend.

    1. Thanks everyone for following us , i start working today at Mikelle’s beach house in Bethany Beach Delware , it’s a nice small beach town we look forward to spending time here.

  6. I wish you both all the best in your travels! I look forward to following you along the way and reading about your adventures!

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