This was along the bike trail we rode. Lovely barn etc. These horses are larger than the ones that pull the people buggies. These horses you would see out in the fields pulling a hay trailer and the Amish are walking along the side throwing square bales on the trailer. Continue Reading
Here is a horse at work, although he is taking a break while the passengers are in the DQ!!! S/J
Bike Trail
A wonderful bike trail in Shipshewana IN. The Amish know how to do it. They all travel via horse/buggy, or bikes. The trail was packed in the early evenings when we rode. Saturday we came to a small town and to our right was a DQ. They had no less Continue Reading
This was across the waterway from where the ducks were. Margie said this submarine (grey item) has been here as long as she can remember, even as a kid. All I will say is she is over 55!!!! S/J
Duck Family
We took a walk along the waterway inside the State Park. If you look real close to the left of the mama duck you can see her babies getting some sun. It was so sweet to see. S/J
Me, James,Ken,and Margie. We had a fun day playing golf. And of course it was just great seeing the sun!!! S/J
Lake Michigan
Too funny!!! You always hear people here talk about going to the beach etc.,my perception is a beach has lots of sand and waves!!! You know like the NC coast. Well I never knew that big lakes such as this one had waves but it does. This was a beautiful Continue Reading
Street View
Just a quick view. Every curb was loaded with bikes. You were not allowed to park on the sidewalks. This part you see as you get off the ferry and most of it was quite crowded, as you got a bit more away from the docks the crowd thinned out Continue Reading
Grand Hotel
This was a beautiful hotel. However, if you aren’t staying in it you aren’t getting near it!!! They had a special carriage and horse that took the people to it from the ferries. All your luggage and things were taken to your place of stay via horse and carriage. They Continue Reading
This was along our ride on the paved trail. Had stairs you could climb and it would take you to the top. S/J