Deer On One

So after our round and after watching golf in the club house and a 6 pack, (just kidding) we were walking back to the RV and here are these amazing creatures. James says they are mule deer. I guess you can tell by the ears. Anyway, 7 of them were hanging around on the fairway on numb er one by the club house. They were just feet away from this massive apple tree that was so loaded.

Now last night after we arrived in Nevada and got set up at the campground we took a bike ride into town to check it out. Great rock formations around here. Will get some pictures throughout the month but we are coming around this curve and I had to stop for two deer. Looked to be a momma and baby, so cute. I tried to talk them into staying put so I could snap a picture, but they didn’t have on their ears. They just look at you so sweet.

It was a great way to end the day!!

Be groovy!!

S & J

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2 thoughts on “Deer On One

  1. They are so sweet. I don’t care what anyone says. Yes, those eyes!!!

    Happy that you are getting all that golf in.

    Awesome photos, Susu.

  2. Where does Caliente have a golf course?! Looks like you will be slowing down some there! Laid back, small western desert town living, eh?
    Looking forward to more updates!
    Sue reaves

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