Depth of Snow

Just an idea of how deep the snow was. They said normally they get 6-8 feet of snow a year and can sometimes continue to snow in June/July. This year they received 20 feet of snow. They will stop the train at 9k feet and give 30% refund if they can’t make it to the top. No place to get out, train does not turn around anywhere, not even on the top. Apparently Wednesday was the first day in quite awhile the train made it to the top. We have had three weeks in Colorado and we leave today for more road miles. It has been a wonderful adventure in this beautiful state. When I was in High School one of my friends Jane, we always talked about when we graduate let’s do a trip to Colorado and the Grand Canyon. Well we never did that but I can probably honestly say if we had, I would have never left.!!! We have seen some amazing things, visited some way cool towns, and the people we have met are just down right friendly. I know that is everywhere, this is just a different vibe, I can’t explain it, you just have to experience it. Have a great day and I will be on the road a few days so I will return when I have wifi!!

Stay safe, healthy, and do something you will remember for the rest of your life!!! S/J

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