Devils Tower

Wow!!! What a spectacular day we had. Took a scenic hwy. to Devils Tower, hiked around that and watched about 5 climbers on the rock. I think most of them were girls. It truly was a great day. I just love Wyoming and if I can talk James into spending just one winter here, I would be a happier camper!! I am thinking it won’t happen! Lows at night where we are in the 50’s and highs in the 70’s, humidity……53%. Can’t beat that.

So we left Devils Tower and finished the scenic hwy. Ended up in a town called Aladdin! Next post……


S & J

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2 thoughts on “Devils Tower

  1. Love it! I can hear the music from”Close Encounters” playing in my head. Keep up the fun!

  2. Now you need to watch (or re-watch) Close Encounters of the Third Kind, just to top off your Devil’s Tower experience! It is indeed a cool place and I can totally imagine the aliens coming in!

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