Dry Lake Valley

This was going down 93 south toward Vegas today. The road I swear you can see 50 miles ahead of you, it is so flat and long. This shot looked like a total desert from the distance. It was just really cool and we drove 120 miles on this 2 lane road with nothing around. Good thing we had diesel!!!!

So we made it to Pahrump Nevada this afternoon. We are here until the 31 unless we get caught up in more stories about getting the residency for tags and license. We shall see. I can tell you this , it is hot as hell in Nevada. Stopped at Costco in Vegas on the way in and they have liquor in the Costco here. I thought that was kind of cool. The town we were in (Caliente) didn’t sell wine, and they sold liquor to you from the bars they had in town. No liquor stores. Not too many IPA’s either!!

Be groovy!

S & J

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