
No picture today, not yet anyway!! We had to evacuate Carson’s farm today to get safe from the fires. It was not the California fires, a fire had started in Ashland, just about 15 miles from Carson. It was BAD. James and I were at the laundry doing clothes and you could just see all the smoke coming over the mountains. By the time we got back to the farm cars were lined up to get away. They had I-5 shut down and hwy 99.

We got the RV packed up and headed out around 4. We drove nw to seek clean air. HAHA!!! Anyway we made it to Grants Pass , got the rv dumped at a station, I called all hotels and campgrounds. ALL FULL!!! I asked one of the clerks what was going on, lol, they were evacuating all towns within 20 miles of Medford. So my last call , talking shit to the clerk at the Best Western in Rogue River, I said, do you mind if we park in your parking lot!!!

So we are in the parking lot at Best Western in Rogue River City. Pretty cool, lots of camper trailers here. Nothing can be found. People are coming from Nevada, California and Oregon.

We are safe and should be ok.

Hugs to all and to all a good night!!

S & J

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5 thoughts on “Fires

  1. Good lord, girlie. Sounds pretty frightening from here. Glad you got it solved and isn’t that
    amazing that a little ole hotel chain saved your day. Amazing.
    Really happy that you two and Carson are safe.
    I guess you need to keep up on the local news when traveling just for these kind of reasons.

    All good in Va.
    I am back behind my desk but took a nice long break to go to Bethany.
    Our weather has changed overnite….feels like fall today and for me, this is a welcome change.
    It got just a little too hot in the last couple of weeks.

    I do think about you two every day. Take care of yourselves.

  2. So glad to hear you are safe!!! Watching news last night talking about Medford was worrisome. Know you all will be careful. Guess you able to bring Carson with you.

  3. Hey Susan& James, read your blog. Stay safe, I know you will. Keep in touch. This to shall pass ((hugs))

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