Fires , part 2

Morning. We made it through the night with no emergencies!! Smoke not quite so bad today. Talked with Carson, he got back to farm early, no damage, all good. We will head back over the mountains in a few hours.

Just a FYI…..anything on the news you may see, we were just 10 minutes from the Ashland fire yesterday. If you see towns like Talent,Medford, Phoenix,Jacksonville, well that was all affecting where we were camping. So many people heading out yesterday. All camp grounds were full and busy.

So all good, have a wonderful day and stay safe!

S & J

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2 thoughts on “Fires , part 2

  1. I am way behind on your posts. I sure hope you are keeping ahead of any danger areas.
    And that Carson is safe too.
    Are you staying in that area for awhile or are you moving on?
    I need to catch up.

    Big hugs,

  2. Sue and James, be careful, still 4 months of fire season out there.
    Love to you and Carson too.
    Thanks for your blog! We think of all all the time!
    Love, bwe

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