Four Stooges

HAHA!! This is Monday at Brighton Ski Mtn. Somewhere around Salt Lake City. On the far left is Christon,James and up front is Taylor and Carson. They had a great day on the slopes.

Christon is a young lady that James and I met in 2019 in North Carolina. James and I were camping at Davidson River and we picked up Christon and her friend hitchhiking. on 276. They were carrying backpacks that looked heavy and were walking forward with thumbs out. James turned around and picked them up. They were going to there car at Davidson River so it worked out perfect. They were trying to camp but they were full so we let them pitch the tent at our site and then we fed them and gabbed into the night. They had been on a hike in hike out jaunt and it got to be a little more then what they were thinking. At least that is the way I remember it. Anyway they lived in Raleigh and somehow Christon looked up Hartis on social media and found Carson. They were talking and she mentioned to him that she was moving to SLC. Taylor and Carson were shopping last week and ran into Christon. Carson had never met her, only social media and they recognized each other in person. They invited her to ski with them and then she came. by the condo to see me. We had a nice visit and it was good to see her. She was coming out here for just a bit but has decided to stay. She can work remote. Christon and I swapped notes several times since we had met her and she had us in her phone as hiker angels. It was amazing to see someone you thought you would never see again.

Small world we have!! S & J

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