Friends From Yuma

This is Margie and Ken from Yuma. Margie also works for Del Pueblo, in the office. They are from Michigan and on the way home for the summer. They are staying at another campground but we managed to hook up on the river walk and have lunch. The blue wall to the left of Margie’s head is one of the boats that goes up and down the river walk and does the tourist thing. We are sitting outside beside the water at a lovely Mexican eatery. I am gonna tell ya, Texas has some good Mexican food!! After lunch we walked over to the Crocket Motel then to the Menger Hotel. There we sat outside in the rocking chairs in the courtyard and had a beer. It was a great day!!

Today we leave San Antonio and head to Galveston for a few days. From Galveston we will go into New Orleans for 5 days. Anyone on the road have safe travels!! See you next stop! S & J

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