
I got ahead of myself…..This is the Pennsylvania Monument in Gettysburg. It has all the soldiers names that were from Pennsylvania, listed on the monument. It is an awesome structure and very well done. Also around the fields were statues, monuments representing any of the states that fought.

Now from here we went to Sugarloaf, then from Sugarloaf we travelled to Hop Bottom Pa. Talk about a ride.!!

The story behind Hop Bottom is the farm we get to stay. My friend Megan (Mikelle’s sister) has a friend in Hop Bottom, whom also works for the Cruise industry. She told us while in Delaware we should go see her friend and stay at her place. Her and her husband Frank would love it. So we thought why not, we are heading north and since we do not have a plan or a schedule we will go. This is where I finally have internet so I will continue my story next time I sit down and before we leave here, I am not sure when I will have service again.

Have a great day. See you soon!!


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5 thoughts on “Gettysburg

  1. Hi Susan and James! Have enjoyed reading your post this afternoon…Sounds like you guys are having a great time…So glad for you, did u cook the fish james caught? I think it is nice that you can spend the night t the winery and have dinner! Just like big dogs Ha!….We have been getting lots of rain and my beans are up today! David’s friend, Jason Norton, from Rockingham died last week, colon cancer 47 years old, so sad…He was David’s assistant coach when he first went to Rockingham and they also coached a JV football team together …..Hoping Carson is still doing good, tell him that he is in my prayers, If I were you,I would be nuts! Oh Yea, got your pc today!

  2. Good morning! Looks like things are going good! Glad y’all are still getting out and about! Everyone is good here. Not much new! Wedding plans are getting busy! Love y’all. Be safe!

  3. I can’t believe that you got to do all your favorite things in one week.
    Golfing, kayaking and studying history ,,,,,,,Wow, what a great start to your venture.
    I hope the roads have been smooth for you as I know you are on lots of small ones.
    I got your postcard from Gettysburg and do appreciate .
    Been getting very hot here this week. Today is the day that No. Virginia is opening on
    phase two and outside restaurants and bars can open. I am feeling shy about jumping back
    into the social thing. Going to keep my distance.
    Mikelle and Michael are coming over sometime soon to re-install an airconditioner for my
    bedroom and also 3 more blinds to block the sun. It does get intense.
    Still working on the cancellations and re-bookings and clients refunds. UGH!

    Stay well and please stay in touch, I want to know everything!!!!


  4. Looks like things are going well for you….What an amazing adventure. I lam enjoying your traveling pictures, I love traveling “vicariously” thru you. Thanks for sharing this with us! Keep in touch…Hugs, M

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