
Now this was pretty cool. Flying over and over for a bit this helicopter is towing a water bucket or whatever they carry to drop on fires. Mind you, we have no idea where a fire was near where we were or even in the vicinity. Have no idea how far they will fly, even so it was cool to see this so close. We did watch it touch down across the valley for about 25 minutes and then he went back up.

On this same area we watched about 12 four wheelers take off and have a big time. Pretty active day. Oh yea, and on the way to this State Park we are driving down the interstate and James says pull over, I just saw two Moose! I pull over and we start walking back up the interstate but they were gone by the time we got back to where he spotted them. Oh well, maybe next time. We did see several men fly fishing in the stream.

Get outdoors and have a great day!!

S & J

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