Of course we found a brewery….on the rails to trails path!! This is Hop Notch Brewery, stopped on one of our bike rides and had a brew. This bldg. looks to me like at one time it served as a huge feeder store. I may be wrong, doesn’t matter, what matters is somebody smart turned it into a brewery right on the rail trail. 93 miles of riding bikes, they have a slither that is not quite done. Today we will take e section of it that runs right through a corn field. It is so funny to see people on it when riding down the road, they look like ET!! This was a small hops growth but very nice. Yesterday when we went to Stowe we road bikes on their path (paved) through town. It is only 5.5 miles one way but you gotta get back. We found yet another brewery , and on the outside of the patio seating was HOPS growing up the lines. It was great. James and I came to the conclusion, if we still lived in Locust we would have a few acres of HOPS and HEMP growing. I’m just saying!!

Have a great day!!

S & J

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3 thoughts on “HOPS

  1. Live following your adventures! Keep on sending pics! We are headed to Crazy Horse now, then Rushmore then the Badlands for 2 nights.

  2. HOPS! We have some we are trying to grow…no flowers yet, but we are trying! Your adventure is amazing! Love you…M

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