Hot Spring

You walk by this on the way up the backside of the trail. Water is coming out of the mountain and you can see the steam as it spews out. They said temp was 143 degrees. We decided not to take a soak. This actually is for looks and idiots that think they can put there hands in the water, trust me they would not last long! They do have several actual pools you can soak in. Opted not to get in that bacteria cess pool!!!! They allow ten in at a time. more pictures to follow, need to get organized and ready to pull out for Branson. Have a super day and stay safe and healthy!! Hugs! S & J

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One thought on “Hot Spring

  1. Missouri !! Lol
    That’s what I thought 😂😂
    Yes! I’m alittle off 🙈
    Keep posting pictures 💧
    Love seeing them !
    Carry On ❣️❣️❌⭕️❌⭕️

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