Jail Cells Yuma

This is a row of cell blocks. History says if the prison got over crowded they would put six prisoners in one TINY block. Bunks three high each side of cell and they were metal and very narrow. In the dark hole they had a cage in the middle of the hole where they placed the prisoners because when they received the daily serving of bread and water the guards did not want to get attacked. It was too dark on the inside for us to get a picture of that.

I came to the conclusion though (self) that if our systems were anything like they were back in the late 1800’s-1900’s our prisons would probably be less crowded. Who in the hell in the right mind would want to live like this. Now days they get tv, better meals than the homeless, AC, heat, probably wifi. Completely so wrong. These prisoners were put here for forgery, adultery, burglaries, murder, the history goes on and on.

S & J

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