Jumping James

Our old neighbors from Locust have been here since the 30th of July and we have had quite the time. Drove GTSR over to East Glacier, took a short hike and we got caught in the rain, (Yuk) had a great picnic, James and Jeff floated down the Flathead and fished and yesterday Shelley and I floated with them in another raft. We had such a great time and the water was lovely. We met a great couple at the start, they were going to paddle board and they were inquiring about a ride back from the take out ramp. We offered them a lift with us so we all kind of hung together on the water. On the way back we stopped at this bridge where crazy people jump off. James and JP (man we met) both jumped off. JP got this shot of James and a few others. Will post one other. Anyway, they got the thrill of the jump, JP jumped too. Just glad they came up safely!!!! S & J

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