Kueka Lake Final Day

As we were leaving a winery on Saturday we drove up the hill and this view slapped us in the face. You have wild flowers, grapes out the ass and a great view of Keuka Lake. This particular lake is the only one out of all the finger lakes that branches off, so it really looks like 2 fingers. And for all you artists lovers a lady just happened to be pulled over on the side of the road with her easel and paints and was painting this area. Quite the sight. We had ventured over to Keuka Lake State Park yesterday morning to do a few hikes. It was very nice but different. We did find a couple of trails and the second trail we hiked we hiked right into a graveyard. 1800’s. It was way cool just in the middle of this enchanting walk. The sad thing is all the stones were knocked over. You could tell it had been that way for a bit but it still is a sad thing to see. We read all the ones we could and then continued our hike. We did not see any bears but we saw bear scat!!

A great last day, good hike and some good wine!! We drive more north to a golf course today , unload the car and we will drive over to Niagara Falls. I promise I will not take the barrel over!!! So we will stay the night at the golf course, golf Monday and back on the road. En route to SD but thinking a few detours. Will post when I can these next few days.

Stay safe……Put finger lakes on your list to do!!


S & J

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2 thoughts on “Kueka Lake Final Day

  1. I’ve got my picnic basket, bottle of wine, and my blanket ready to park in that field!
    Since I’m not travelling right now, I’m loving doing it virtually through you two. Keep the posts coming! And thank you!

  2. Beautiful, what a treat to your hike! So glad you got to see Niagara Falls. Glad you are being safe with covid. Go west my dears!
    Love, sue r

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