Many Glacier

This is a view from the lodge that sits on the water and you can see the corner of the building. This is Many Glacier Lodge and it happens to be in Many Glacier which is on the East side of the Park. On the way here is where we saw the bear. (so cool) It was a great adventure day throughout the park. We had gone into Polebridge on Thursday and then into the East side via Going to the Sun Road. First time this year with the car. This is the road they sell the entry tickets for that is suppose to help with the traffic flow issues. I was not impressed and saw zero difference in the traffic, especially at Logans Pass where you could and still can’t find a parking space. People get out at the top to hike and explore, it is not a park and run inside for something kind of place. I would say it is the governments way of making a bit more money from the NP supporters. Have a great day!!! S & J

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