Meet Tamey

We met Tamey in Pahrump Nevada. She is one of the single ladies we met that travels on her own in her own rig. From Idaho, (Washington State) and took to the open road in Sept. on her own. She was suppose to go to 29 Palms in California after Pahrump but California started shutting things down again so she came to Yuma!!! She is parked beside James and I and we drag her with us on some of our outings. Great hiker she is, she did guided hikes in the Washington State area for years, so she trekked ahead of us. I am a slow hiker/walker, whatever you want to call it and she has the longest gait!!We had a great time and as I said before it was a gorgeous day. We all did a walk in the dessert in Pahrump and she was fast then. I thought dang she may never hike with me again!!!! Great sport she is!!

Tamey is staying here until end of March like us and then she will head to Idaho for most of the summer I believe. With a stay over in Oregon.

Have a great day!

S & J

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