Morning Glory

Walking this morning very early around the resort, (I was too chicken to go out into the hood to walk) wasn’t quite light enough but I came around the corner and caught this shot. Magnificent colors in the sky as the sun is coming upon the mountains in the desert. I saw a ton of rabbits this morning, the hot air balloon guy and just a few walkers. After it got a bit lighter I ventured out into the hood beside the resort. Made it back in time for pickle ball.!!!

Lots of people showed up today to play. We had 11 and then another couple showed up later on. They came in yesterday for a day from California. So much fun to switch and play with different groups of people. It was a great day on the court. We continue to improve with this game!!

Have a great day!!!



S & J

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2 thoughts on “Morning Glory

  1. Yes, this pretty beautiful. Sounds so much fun with all the Pickle Ball folks.
    Hope you get to be real pros!!!! Have fun.

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