Mountain of Wild Flowers

Today is our last day in Leavenworth with Carson. We have had a wonderful week, relaxing, family time, and as always in this neck of the country beautiful scenery. Not a bad view from any spot. Sitting outside at the picnic table (site 36) and watching all the long weekend campers pack up and leave. The river is roaring below me and the birds are chirping. The other day Carson took James and I on a short field trip up a few mtns. to check out the glorious colors of yellow, purple, and white! The yellow is the balsam root, purple is the lupine and not sure of the white. It was so beautiful. You can always see them so far away but when you get this close , I was in awe!!! Have a beautiful day! S & J

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One thought on “Mountain of Wild Flowers

  1. Beautiful! Thanks for all the posts Sue, great to follow your musings and
    lovely scenery! Enjoy trip into Canada !
    Love, sue, ps pretzel sounded so yummy, love them too !

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