Mystic Ct.

We took a bike ride on the waterfront in downtown Mystic. Way cool place and a quaint seaside town. Also this is where Julia Roberts got her start in movies with Mystic Pizza…You see this yet??

Had a great day, heading to the golf course tomorrow. We will take a drive into RI on Wed. just with the car. Check out what is going on over there.

Will post more as we go.

Have a great day!!

S $ J

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4 thoughts on “Mystic Ct.

  1. New England seaside villages are so different from our beach towns! Nice that you are enjoying!

  2. The whole coast of New England is very different from the southern coasts. Not as “lay on the beach” inviting, but, I think, more interesting and in many areas really quite rustic. Love those NE towns or as the northerners call them, villages. Thanks for the post card. Can’t wait for your visit to the Finger Lakes!

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