New Travel Map

When we sold our motor coach I had to leave our travel map that was on the side of it. When we got back to Yuma I ordered another one and this is it. As you can see we have many states to go through and visit next spring and summer. With us spending the summer parked in Glacier we didn’t get too many places (state wise) but the travels we did do on the map were spectacular. The only thing we have etched in stone for when we leave Yuma is a week in the Keys in May then NC for the month of June. Then we will head North for two stops and then dead nuts in the middle of the U.S., we will travel en route back to Yuma. Will do some zig-zagging but it should be fun.

So today being Oct. 18th, I am starting work in the kitchen in the resort. The kitchen manager and myself are going to open for 4 hours each day, 9-1 and get things rolling before the cafe actually opens Nov. 1. We are both excited to get going, did some prepping yesterday, got all things organized and we are good to go. If you open, they will come!!! The people that are in the park are super excited cause now they don’t have to cook. Have a great day and a super week!! S & J

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