Niagara Falls

Definitely one of the world’s natural wonders. An amazing day we drove to Niagara Falls after dropping the Rv off at the golf course. We are boon docking in the parking lot and James is playing right now. We walked all around the falls, could see Canada across the way. Now I have heard the view is better from Canada, but since we can’t get across the border, we did what we could do. My friends from HS told me to get on the boat, it would have been really nice but I was not waiting for 2.5 hours in line to get a ticket and the boat ride. From the looks of it from the top, not too much social distancing was happening on the boat. We are still being cautious.

Anyway, we took tons of videos and still pictures and they are all great. This is just one. Never seen it,??, get in the car and drive I-90 north….well worth it.

Have a great week each of you and we’ll see you soon. Heading on I-90 south in the morning. That hwy goes forever…..We will be on it.

Take care…


S & J

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2 thoughts on “Niagara Falls

  1. Absolutely Incredible. I have never been. One of these days…..maybe I will do what you are
    doing. Hehe. I am happy that you didnt do a crowded boat. not worth it. So cool that James
    gets all that golf in. Are you just chillaxing while he does that?
    Very cool that you havent had any parking problems anywhere. Must be the beauty of that club.
    Mikelle is on her way over to help me with a couple of 2 people things.
    I am going to Bethany on Wed.
    She and Michael are going on Wed. too
    My friends are coming on friday…at least one is, the other is up in the air.
    Mikelles gf Carole will be there too.
    I am looking forward to getting in pool or Ocean.

    Stay safe.

    This leg will be long…….right?

  2. I knew you would flip over falls! (Not flip off 🙂 Pretty amazing. Sorry you didn’t get to do the boat, but I agree it’s better to keep the Social Distancing going. Keep having fun!

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