Notre Dame

Now this is quite the University!! As we were waiting for our RV to be done we drove around South Bend. We went into the grounds of Notre Dame, walked around inside the bookstore and took a few pictures. The buildings are amazing (1842), the entire campus is immaculate, you can see this dome from all sides, but when you get up close, it took my breath. I love the structural buildings from that time. We wondered down by the football stadium. This place has some damn money!! The athletic practice fields were even impressive and I swear we drove by a golf course that must belong to the school. It was nice!! And so cool to see a huge graveyard on a college campus. Every time I see that it brings back my first night at College. My room mate and her summer room mate said , Susan lets go walk, ok, they took me dead nuts in the middle of this cemetery . It was creepy then of course but I have never forgotten it. No harm done.!!

So our Rv is done and we pulled out of there about 6pm, drove until 8:30 I guess, it was puking rain, getting dark and 5 lanes of traffic. We got to the other side of Chicago, en route to Port Washington, Wisconsin. Stopped in an Oasis, that’s what they call truck stops and foodie groups up here in Illinois. Now it is pretty cool, the large food court is like a bridge over the interstate so the south bound side can park and get food too. It’s not a car bridge it is a food bridge. Crazy!!!

Got a few hours of sleep, this stop was noisy, having coffee and we will get on the road in a bit. The RV is so fixed, 4 new shocks and a front alignment. What a difference and James seems to be happy with it and that is what matters, but now hopefully I will be able to drive it now. I was too nervous with all the play in the steering. As a passenger I could even feel the difference. WooHoo!! It’s the little things.

If you are ever in South Bend, take a stroll through Notre Dame. You can probably get a nice church service in. I would have gone inside but it was not open. The lady at the book store said the students will be getting back in about 2 weeks.

Be safe!! Stay healthy!! Going to get some cheese!!

S & J

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3 thoughts on “Notre Dame

  1. loved your blog about ND, it looks like a beautiful campus! David and Ben went to a FB game up there several years ago……..Sounds like you enjoyed baseball hall of fame……Glad the rv on rolling again, i’m sure that was a pain. Sounds like James is playing all the golf that he wants.Drive safely
    and enjoy……………..

  2. Sounds really cool! Glad you are happy with the RV fix. Great ‘zooming’ with you yesterday. Stay happy, healthy and keep on trucking! Love and hugs!

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