Otter Creek Fun Center

This place is awesome….Hwy. 7 in Vermont in a quaint little area. We arrived today and had a delicious lunch. Met the owners (Anthony and Patti). They run and own this fun center. Anthony said he had been doing this in New York so he does the whole kit and kabootle. He moved here and decided to start the fun center. Driving range, great bar with food and beverage and game room, putt putt outside (hence the picture below) and ice cream (homemade). Anyway they are providers through Harvest to Host for RV’ers like us. It is all great, such kind people and very hospitable. I am so glad we stopped here to spend the night. Tomorrow we head into NY State and are staying at a golf course.

Be groovy!!

S & J

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One thought on “Otter Creek Fun Center

  1. Very cool. I’m wishing for some of that homemade ice cream!!
    Great meeting nice people on all your travels. You are pretty nice yourselves so easy to be nice to. Enjoy your next stop. Are you going to play the minature golf?


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