This is a one shot deal of our park model. We found out Monday that the company never started our park model we ordered last March. Was told all summer it would be here Oct. 5. Kept waiting etc. and they finally dropped the bad news to us. Long story short they increased the price on us, never started it, and still can’t guarantee when it would be here. We cancelled the order, getting deposit back and we found this one in the resort. The lady that owns it lives in Canada, we have talked with her and her daughter this week, made an offer and we will take ownership Dec. 1. It has an Arizona room, it is the room by the porch with the 3 windows , then you have the back porch and you go into the main area, nice kitchen, bedroom and bath. This particular model has a loft, hence the small windows up top. And you can see we either have a lemon or lime tree in front. Has a shed, we will sell the one we had delivered in June to our 401 site and now we will have site 413, but same everything else as far as address goes. We will relocate the shed on property and move the pizza oven to this new location. We are across the street from the small neighborhood center which has a small pool, hot tub, shower rooms and laundry room. It is just on the end of our street we are staying now. Is a corner lot so a little bigger, and it is nothing a good paint won’t fix inside and out, James can do anything on the inside construction wise, he can’t do anything outside. No big deal. The owner is leaving everything in it and just has a few small special items she wants us to pack up for her. We are excited and happy this worked out for us. Sad that the one we ordered isn’t happening but that was a sign, so here we are!!!! Have a great day and remember to catch a sunrise!!!! S & J Every sunrise means a new beginning!!
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4 thoughts on “Park Model”
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Hi Susan and James, Got your birthday card today, so sweet of you to remember me on my big 80th birthday! It is a beautiful day here , sunshine and middle 60s. Just right for yardwork!…Love the looks of your new place, hope you will have a great winter there. So nice to hear from you and know that you are safe and well! happy to say that we are also! love you much!
Goodness! What a story! Glad you found a place that will work for you. I know you two will have it just the way you want it in no time. Projects for James!
Plan B ….yay !!! Glad it is working out.
Susan Reaves
What a fiasco, so sorry about the new home! Meant to be! Glad it’s all working out for you! Miss you both-love you MUCH!