Raiders Stadium

Did a ride by yesterday going to Treasure Island. It is a state of the art facility for sure. I asked someone where will people park when they can have fans inside. This thing is right on interstate 5, and a friend said to me it looks like the largest Roomba ever. You know, those floor sweepers that go around your house when you tell Alexa to please sweep!!! Back to the parking….he said the parking lot will be where they had the mass shooting at the concert. EERY!

Too funny. Anyway it is quite nice, I could only imagine what the inside looks like. We had a great day in Vegas watching football and people. Got my wing fix and did NO gambling. We don’t gamble anyway, I can tell you though I saw people sitting in same chair for hours and hours. They were either winning or thinking if they stayed long enough they would win!!!

Vegas is a trip. Not my city. I will say if you have never been you should go one time. Today we go to Zion with a detour to Valley of the Fires State Park.

Have a great day!! Don’t forget to VOTE!

S & J

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2 thoughts on “Raiders Stadium

  1. In my opinion, Vegas IS over rated. Been several times. Reminds me of Phoenix. Boring. Glad u were able to spend time in the natural areas of Nevada. Peace.

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