Recline Winery

Yesterday James and I drove around where we are staying and found this winery. We stopped and had a glass of wine. It was good. They were out of the white wine I like so I tried a Rose. Been a long time since I have had Rose, wasn’t half bad!!! We had a lovely view and a nice breeze outside. After here we were driving back to our friends place (they had to go to Calgary for a meeting) and we saw another winery sign. We drove, drove, and drove and never found it. We either stopped short of it or just took a wrong turn but then we came across these big white tents in a town called Scotch Creek. Said music, food truck and cocktails. We pull into that parking lot and check it out. James had a glass of wine here and said it was best he’d ever had. Turns out he bought bottle at the store the day before and realized when we got home it was the same wine. Bottle waiting to be opened. Fun day on our own!! S/J

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