Roadside Bear

After the Ice Fields we were driving down the highway. Of course when you see traffic stopped you know some kind of animal is in the road. People are so stupid though, line of cars to get closer but yet the one in front of you wants to stay for 20 minutes. You only need one picture. I thought Cal was going to play bumper cars with the one in front of us!! Now when we left the primitive campground on Monday to go back to Jasper we are following Cal. He locks his brakes (not to bad) black bear crossing right in front of him!! Glad he didn’t hit the bear!! It wasn’t this bear in this picture it was yet another!! So cool!! Have a great day.. Not sure when I will have wifi again. Not in the campgrounds, have to find a bar!!!


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One thought on “Roadside Bear

  1. What great pictures! Beautiful country your showing us! Thanks for sharing them! Safe travels my friends! Love you.

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