Roughlock Falls

This is the other waterfall. A great hike through the forest. They had the trail cleared but the tree damage was unreal. It will be a long time before all of it is cleaned up. Tons of trees in the stream and the flow of water has been slowed down by all of this. Mother Nature, very powerful! Apparently this was like the third tornado in the past four years that had been through this town. As you are driving through the forest you see beautiful log cabins nestled back in the woods and one might have been damaged and the next unscathed. You could definitely see the path of this storm. Miles and miles of destruction.

After our hiking trails we drove to Deadwood SD. Now that was a cool town. Tons of saloons and the bikers are flowing in. Sturgis is just around the corner. We stopped at a few watering holes and struck up some good conversations with the locals. Such nice people and I suppose if you lived there, you just need an off road vehicle and snowmobile. Lots of locals said they go to Florida in the winter. I would stay, at least one!! The town itself was way cool and they said Sturgis was the only rally that did not get cancelled. You can tell they go big!!

So today we leave Sundance Wyoming and are heading to Glacier NP in Montana. We will take several days to drive with several stops, Billings, Butte,Bozeman and then some. Will spend about 5 days around Glacier so we can check it all out. Counting on some nice cool weather, guess it could snow!! It has been perfect weather here in Sundance, would be nice to stay about the same.

Have a great week and thank you for all the well wishes and comments.

S & J

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One thought on “Roughlock Falls

  1. I envy that cooler weather! But I do hope the wind is at your back and gentle.
    Enjoy Big Sky country. Think you might stop at Mt St Helens?
    Whatever, wherever, Be Safe! Think about you often and love following your travels.

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