Rynie and Cheryl’s

We left Colorado Springs on the 23rd to drive to Rynie and Cheryl’s in Crete, Nebraska. We drove and drove through flat prairies in Kansas , farm after farm, and field after field. It is beautiful landscape in my opinion. Interesting two lane highways. We had a beautiful day of weather.

As we cross into Nebraska on highway 183 we were on the lookout for someplace to park and sleep. We were about 11 miles into the state, maybe a bit more but we came into a town called Alma. Pulled in a gas, pantry, truck parking spot and hunkered down for the night. We parked next to another camper and we saw 2 others but after they fixed a flat tire with a bald tire they Bothe pulled out so we were surrounded by truckers. All good, went to bed and about 11:20 that night we were woken up by howling winds, heavy rain, and the camper was rocking like crazy, I just knew we were going to OZ!! The lightning, the thunder, the rain. Lasted about 1 1/2 hours. And since we were in mostly dirt my first thought was we will have to get towed out of here. Everything finally stopped, we finally got a few hours of sleep and I have never been so happy to see sun.

We had 3 hours left to our journey and we made it in all sunshine. We will stay here through Memorial Day so we are not on the roads. Our next stop will be one night in S.D. then on to a few nights in Fargo. Looking forward to seeing that state. One of 2 we have not been too. The other is Oklahoma and if they don’t stop getting tornadoes we may not go!!! I just read where one went through a travel center last night and had quite a bit of distruction, including a tractor trailer and recreational trailer which is what we are in…OMG. Be safe on the highways and have a wonderful holiday weekend. S/J

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6 thoughts on “Rynie and Cheryl’s

  1. So glad you are safe, tornados have been bad all over so yes be careful and keep eye out on weather !
    Got your postcard, love hearing from you !!!!!!
    Love, sue reaves

  2. So glad you’re safe! I was so excited when I received your postcard and realized you’re on the road again. So I caught up on reading the blog posts. Have an exciting time, kisses and hugs to you and James.
    love you, M

  3. Hey guys!!
    WOW 🤩
    What weather you have gone through 😮
    But sounds like a good time all in all 💕
    Oklahoma and Fargo 😏 next…
    What is your final destination??
    Have fun friends 😆💪🏻💪🏻🤩
    Love and miss you

  4. Hey guys!!
    WOW 🤩
    What weather you have gone through 😮
    But sounds like a good time all in all 💕
    Oklahoma and Fargo 😏 next…
    What is your final destination??
    Have fun friends 😆
    Love and miss you

  5. Hey guys!!
    WOW 🤩
    What weather you have gone through 😮
    But sounds like a good time all in all 💕
    Oklahoma and Fargo 😏 next…
    What is your final destination??
    Have fun friends 😆
    Love and miss you

    This is not letting me post ..
    Says “Duplicate wording detected start again” I changed this up and it still comes up…. Forget it !! Lol. Xoxoxo

    1. It’s ok Nettie!!!! You can post as many times as you want.. Three came through. I think if you just hit comment and type it will go through. SOOOOOOOO glad to hear wonderful news about Goosebumps!!!! You both must be over the top!!
      Talk soon
      Love ya
      S PS. NO Oklahoma yet maybe on way back west depending on which way we head back. Final landing is NC then we head back west via Hot Air Balloon in Albuquerque!!!

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