Salt Lake City Golf

Today we played golf in Salt Lake City. It was a great day, just a little smokey but not bad. They have an AFB near by so we got to see some cool fighter jets flying over and over. We stayed at this golf course Tuesday night, part of the Harvest Host we joined. After golf we drove to Park City Utah. Just to get head start on our way to Moab. Tonight we are doing our first Wally Docking. This means we are parked in a Walmart parking lot in Park City. We tried to pull into a huge ski parking lot but that was not going to work. They chain it off…..NO overnight parking. Anyway we are safe and heading to Moab in the morning.

Have a great day on Thursday and stay safe. Send your rain to the west coast!!


S & J

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2 thoughts on “Salt Lake City Golf

  1. Hope you guys are safe and sound and can breath fresh air! Had a 50th bday party for Coach on Sat. Lot of fun, mostly coaches and ball players attended, some wives… Am loving your blog, please stay safe…btw, cannot send email but can receive!!! Love you guys, Brenda

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