Seals on the Beach

Took a scenic road that turned to gravel and we came to this spot that had a sign…”Yurok ceremonial grounds, please respect it”,Yurok Indian Tribe was within the Klamath River and this spot we found had all kinds of buildings (old) where you could tell they practiced the beliefs. Anyway across the water was a big pile of blubber (seals) nesting in the sun. They are so funny to watch and just as happy as they could be!! Other side of this mound is the Pacific Ocean, this was like a lagoon. The Yuroks are one of the very few tribes that have not been removed from their Ancestral grounds, covering 44 miles along the Klamath River in Del Norte and Humboldt counties in California. S & J

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One thought on “Seals on the Beach

  1. I love those unexpected fines. NM has a lot of Indian ruins. The United States is beautiful. You’re doing it right guys!

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