Staff Dinner

We had our staff dinner in downtown Yuma at DaBoyz Italian restaurant last Sunday. It was a great dinner and I would say enjoyed by all!! First time we have all been together since the beginning of the season. All of us are leaving the park for the summer except for a few. Some are coming back and some are not. It has been a really fun season, so much that we are coming back next winter. This was one place James and I had not been to, but we do know we will return next season to try another dish. Reminded me of Open Kitchen in Charlotte!!

Today is our very last day, going to the pool and then to a BBQ at Rick and Karens. Our last good-byes!!!!

If any of you are reading this from the park, have safe travels and enjoy your summer gigs or just travels. Until we return next fall, be groovy!!! S & J

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