Stevens Pass

We left Leavenworth on Monday and drove to Bellingham. We are 50+ miles from the Canadian border which we will cross on Thursday!! We have 75 days over in Canada. Now the ride to Bellingham was very beautiful. We saw remnants of snow. So many waterfalls coming out of the mountains from the snow melt. Just lovely. We passed through several towns we went through last summer when we took the train from Levy to Seattle for baseball. Different view in the truck!! We arrived in Bellingham around 1230 and got things set up. Took a quick ride to town to see about bike lanes. Worked out great, came back parked the truck and jumped on our bikes. We rode for about 5 hours, found a greenway also that followed the water. We went to the boat terminal where they offer ferries to Alaska (1 week) to San Juan Island (only on Friday/Saturday) and many more places. It was way cool. Will need to spend more time here when we cross back into the states. On way back to RV park we stopped for a beer and seafood. Oysters were huge and wonderful!!! S/J

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