Sunset at Two Medicine

On our way home from Many we had this beautiful sunset driving down the highway. We were just at the entrance to go into Two Medicine but with the time of day we would not of been able to get the hike into Running Eagle. This was a great sight to end our perfect day. Kati took the picture. Thank all you ladies for sharing your time with James and I. It is a perfect way to end our stay in Glacier. Hope you enjoyed your stay as much as we enjoyed having you. Have safe travels on the way home and beyond. Stay healthy and safe!! Tons of hugs and love to all of you!!!! S & J

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One thought on “Sunset at Two Medicine

  1. Awww, yes, beautiful Sue!
    You and James such good hosts!!!
    Can’t believe they are leaving already!!!
    Love, hugs, safe travels for you guys too.
    My brother in law retired cop says just explain about tags if pulled over and show bill of sale or whatever paperwork you have. Should be fine!
    Love, sue r

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