
James and I left Glacier yesterday and drove to Wallace Idaho to ride bikes on all the trails. We are at a campground just outside of town but can walk/ride to downtown. Cute historic place, population 925, est. 1884 and the elevation is 2728. In this window downtown is a Surry. I had this exact same Surry when I was 2-7 years old. When I was 4-5 I would pedal around the block when my siblings went to school. Back then you could go around the block at that age by yourself. If the store opens while we are here I will try to get a better picture. It was just so cool to see this. You know they have these at the beaches but just not the same. Ours was red and yellow, exact!!

We will share our Idaho adventures and beyond but we are back on the road. Hugs to all!!! S & J

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